Thinking and Passively Cluttering Is Actually a Brain Design Thing
The human brain is made up of 2 aggressive thinking parts and 2 passive thinking parts. From birth, we naturally prefer to use one side over the other as we interpret our life. If your parents think and act domineering, it’s a brain design thing with them. If YOU think and act passively, naturally preferring to think in ways to please people OR wanting to do things “right”, again, it’s a right-sided brain design thing with you.
So, for those who clutter because of a preference to think and act mainly from the right brain, what can they do about it?
Recognize Your Preferred Brain Design
When passive thinking people develop the clutter habit, they may be avoiding doing something they think will feel emotionally unpleasant. But guess what, they’ve been CONDITIONED to think they’re offending someone by thinking according to their natural passive preferences.
Here’s the bottom line. Life is sometimes inconvenient for EVERYONE. The domineering thinking people WILL GET OVER THEIR DISAPPOINTMENT at being unable to dominate you if you develop the habit of acting assertive. Yes, it’s unnerving at first, but with practice, you can do it!
Ideas to Stop the Passive Thinking Clutter Habit
Clutter is a LEARNED behavior that may be done hoping to avoid feeling like one’s done something that devalues them personally. Here are some things you can do to think more assertively and less likely to clutter:
1-Work at a pace reasonable for you. It will be a slower pace than domineering people. If you want to stop feeling overwhelmed, slow down and do things according to your actual ability and speed. AND remind yourself that the dominating people will probably tell you to hurry up. Do what you can to ignore them.
2-Commit to consciously reminding yourself you DO have the right to be respected instead of dominated. Once you feel respected, you will probably feel less likely to clutter.
3-The next time you think you must HURRY beyond your natural ability to make life convenient for domineering types at your expense, b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Focus on your breathing and breath deeply. Remind yourself that you no longer unreasonably rush or clutter to avoid being dominated against yourself. When you CONSISTENTLY (and consistency is VITAL in this new way of thinking and acting) domineering types WILL get over their disappointment at no longer being able to dominate you.