Have you ever witnessed, any action, either, taken, or not, which someone, in a position of leadership, takes, which seems to be opposed to what you might consider, to be, the common sense, approach? Why is common sense, such a rare entity, when, it comes to how leaders, proceed, etc? After, over four decades, of personal involvement, in, nearly, everything related to effectively leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and consulting, to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, personally, as a leader, on several occasions, this lack of doing so, is very concerning! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 actions/ circumstances, which seem to demonstrate this reality, and why, we should be concerned!
1. Making same mistakes: Insanity is defined as doing the same thing, over, and over, again, and expecting different results. Einstein is often, credited, with this statement, but, when someone does not study the past, including a group’s heritage, history, and demographics, and merely, in an apparent attempt, to avoid, ruffling – feathers, etc, simply accepting and pursuing, the same – old, same – old, when they must seek and demand, their utmost degree of genuine excellence! Although, this may seem, obvious, we witness this harmful behavior, far – too often!
2. My way or the highway: We cannot allow, anyone, in a position of leadership, to abuse, the concept and mind – set, of, My way or the highway, because, when one does so, it normally, turns – off, many potential stakeholders, and does little, of – benefit, in the longer – run! Since, if groups are to be sustainable, they must maintain sustainable growth, we must train potential leaders, to avoid that tendency, and behavior!
3. Refusing to effectively, listen, and learn: Groups benefit, when they have empathetic leaders, so, when someone, refuses to effectively listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience, in order to gain greater knowledge, and expertise, hopefully, resulting to acquiring greater judgment and knowledge, how can that person, serve and represent his organization, as best, he can!
4. Determine priorities, perceptions, possibilities: How one determines his priorities, and his personal perceptions, and beliefs, often, dictates his possibilities, and chances, of, greatest success!
5. No true strategic planning: Although, some claim to use strategic planning, few, actually do! The process must include a thorough examination, and review, of any, and everything, related to, creating the strongest possibilities!
6. True action plans, including contingencies, and understanding potential ramifications: What good is any strategy, and/ or, strategic plan, unless it leads, directly, to creating the best action plans, for the particular organization? This planning must, take into consideration, every foreseeable contingency, and the potential ramifications!
Are you prepared to use common sense, in leading a group? Are you the right person, who is, up to the tasks and responsibilities?